Hope North West Temperance (HNW), a registered charity (Charity Number NIC_100297) committed to promoting drug free lifestyles and preventing drug related harm from a Christian perspective, is advertising for a suitable person under the following part-time role (max 21 hrs/wk) of Assistant Education Officer.
Successful candidate will be required to deliver a Christian information and support service to primary aged children in schools, in churches and youth groups as well as provide training for parents, teachers and youth leaders.
Applicants should be committed and active members of a recognised evangelical Christian church and in full agreement with our “Memorandum and Articles of Association” including the Statement of Faith and be a total abstainer from all intoxicating drinks and substances.
Appropriate training will be provided
Role Description
Role/Job Title – Assistant Education Officer(s) OR Affiliate(s) under ‘Temporary Contract’
Location – North West Ulster
Reports to – Chairman or his delegate
Key Objective: Execute the decisions of Hope North West Council Duties and Responsibilities
A successful candidate will be able to demonstrate relevant experience, knowledge and skills associated with the following key areas:
Teaching Responsibilities:
• Teach the Hope North West healthy living programme in:
A. Statutory and Voluntary Sectors (Schools, Colleges and Youth Groups)
B. Church Organisations and Church Youth Groups.
• Address and instruct parents, teachers and other adult groups on the problems of drug/substance abuse and the benefits of abstinence from an evangelical Christian perspective. Where appropriate this will involve teaching what the Bible has to say about addiction.
• Plan, prepare and present teaching programmes based on Hope North West’s healthy living programme • Identify and select different resources and teaching methods to meet pupil’s varying needs.
• Observe and evaluate pupil’s performance and progress • Prepare and administer tests for school programmes.
• Mark Tests and prepare certificates.
• Attend school prize giving ceremonies.
• Prepare and oversee the devising and assessment of competitions including award ceremonies.
• Participate in a job appraisal scheme including teaching a class.
• Assist in the revision of the workbooks and other associated teaching and planning materials.
• Assist in the creation, maintenance and updating of the website
• Keep abreast of the ICT technology, programmes and skills being used in schools and use relevant technology to support teaching
• Inspire, motivate and empower others to live out the evangelical Christian vision of the Council
• Cultivate enthusiasm for and commitment to the learning process Hope North West Temperance Promoting Healthy Living, Preventing drug-related harm Role Description P
• Attend appropriate in-service courses and conferences to update drug and substance abuse knowledge and skills – including the management of users.
• Attend appropriate ICT in-service training
• Help to organise in-service training for Council members. C. Administration
• Work closely with and provide effective written and oral reports regularly to the Council on work done and progress made – including:
• Keep written records of schools worked in, classes and numbers of pupils taught, frequency of teaching, tests given and numbers of books distributed.
• Provide treasurer with detailed written records of activities undertaken and expenses incurred on the proforma provided
• Liaise with other organisations as approved by the Council - for example: o Health Trust o Education Authority o Church Bodies o Northlands Centre o Irish Temperance League o Civic Forum
• Prioritise, plan and organise themselves
• Order, organise, store and distribute the Hope North West workbooks and materials
Other Duties include:
• Respond to enquiries about the work of Hope North West and the Christian faith more generally, in the course of duties and wherever appropriate.
• Be available for interview with press and local media in order to promote the work of Hope North West in line with its evangelical Christian objects.
• Help to prepare material for advertising.
• Prepare display material.
• Help seek out other funding channels to assist the Council’s work
• Assist the Council in evaluating the effectiveness of its work
• Assist the Council in the development and promotion of a positive evangelical Christian image of the Council within the local community and beyond.
• Lead deputations to Christian churches, to pray for, and encourage the prayerful support of, the work of Hope North West.
• Promote and model the values and ethos of the Council as set out in the company’s “Memorandum and Articles of Association” including the Statement of Faith.
• Be a consistent ambassador for Christ whether inside and outside of work
• Any other reasonable duties which may be required by the Council from time to time.
Details can be obtained by using the contact us form on this website.
The closing date for applications is 28th FEBRUARY 2025